Other Projects

Parks with a Heart
The Park with a Heart project brought together the Northumberland Wildlife Trust and artist Josie Brookes to deliver sessions to Kenton’s young people over a year long period, exploring the local spaces they love.
The group learned about the wildlife nearby and how to protect it by building habitats for insects and feeders, and baths for birds.
To show their learning and take action to protect the spaces they love they created posters, gifs and animations with artist Josie Brooks to capture what they had learned.
Funded by the North East Combined Authority.

Community Work
- Christmas Party
- Summer Fair
- ‘We are family’ parents’ group.

National Projects
#75Flames Holocaust Memorial Project
10 local young people listened to Marta Josephs from the North East Council of Jewry tell the story of her father who was imprisoned in a concentration camp under the Nazi’s. The young people were so moved by the friendship he found in his follow prisoners that they created a memorial flame in their honour. As part of a national art initiative the young people’s work was shown in London, three of the group attended the event.

Weekly Detached Youth Work
Young people will effect change in their communities and support others. They will be physically and mentally healthier, happier and feel more included into society.
The Cowgate Centre
Houghton Avenue
Newcastle upon Tyne
Call us on: 07946 314 037
Email us at: kelly@projects4change.org