In October 2019, we brought the Unfolding Theatre’s Multiverse Arcade to the heart of Cowgate and listened to the community. The arcade was exactly that, a space set up with arcade themed games, all designed to inspire people to think about society, the environment and what they can do to shape society’s future.

Over 100 young people took part, paying games like “The Wheel of Wonder” and voted in the ballgame, “Are YOU Being Heard?”. To emphasise the notion that all voices make waves, a sound and video booth gave the young people the opportunity to have their say on things that are important to them, asking the question, “Ready to save the future?”.

With the wealth of information recorded, Projects4Change have been given a real insight into what matters to young people in the community. We can now build this information into our plans for Projects4Change to make sure we are led by the voices and needs of young people.

There’s a snapshot of some of the voices and thoughts recorded by our young people on our Vimeo page here.
Thanks go to Children NE, NCAT, and the Lavender Café, as well as the wonderful and creative Unfolding Theatre.

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