Projects4Change was inspired to sign up to the Power of Youth Charter in 2020 as the charter’s commitments “almost perfectly matched what we were doing with our projects– the commitment to young people, listening to their voice, putting them at the forefront of the work and helping to make them co-creators.”

The charter is a collaborative UK-wide effort that aims to recognise young people for their efforts, empower more young people to make a difference, and give them opportunities to shape their future.

Newly published research outlines the benefits of signing up to the charter: being part of a national movement and brand, and signatories publicly demonstrating their commitment to young people and ‘meaningful youth engagement’.

 It also highlighted how it “adds value through: creating opportunities to celebrate: leveraging new funding opportunities; connection and inspiration; and acting as a flexible tool for reflection.”

If you want to find out about Projects4Change’s journey with Power of Youth so far, this report – Mapping organisational journeys – should tell you everything you need to know (pages 18-21).

The report was produced by research charity IVAR UK, in collaboration with UK Youth and Volunteering Matters.

IVAR is the Institute for Voluntary Action Research, whose mission is to “strengthen communities across the UK through action research, education and training” by working with charities, foundations and public agencies.